Dr. Claudio A. Sáez / Director HUB Ambiental UPLA
Investigador LACER
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ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Claudio_Avaria
Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5037-3484
1.- Formación
2015. Postdoctorado, Laboratorio de Biotecnología Marina, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
2014. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Marine Studies. School of Marine Science & Engineering,
Plymouth University, Reino Unido.
2012. Diplomado en Aprendizaje y Enseñanza en Educación Superior, Plymouth University, Reino Unido.
2010. Ingeniero Ambiental. Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile; Victoria University of Wellington, Nueva Zelanda (2007-2008).
2010. Licenciado en Ingeniería Ambiental. Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile; Victoria University of Wellington,
Nueva Zelanda (2007-2008).
2.- Líneas de investigación
- Ecotoxicología marina
- Biomonitoreo
- Metabolismo del estrés
- Transcriptómica
- Ficología
Mi áreas de trabajo son los efectos de contaminantes y perturbaciones ambientales en la biología de los organismos, especialmente en ecosistemas marinos. Mis modelos de investigación son principalmente macroalgas, y sus respuestas a contaminantes como metales. El estudio de las respuestas al estrés se desarrolla a distintos niveles de organización biológico, desde el estudio del metabolismo bioquímico y molecular, hasta efectos en la estructura poblacional y comunitaria. Así también, se utilizan las señales de estrés moleculares y bioquímicas para el desarrollo de biomarcadores, que sirven como herramientas de biotecnología ambiental para el diagnóstico, prevención y seguimiento de perturbaciones ambientales.
3.- Publicaciones
- Rodríguez-Rojas, F*., A. López-Marras*, P. S. M. Celis-Plá, P. Muñoz, E. García-Bartolomei, F. Valenzuela, R. Orrego, A. Carratalá, J. L. Sánchez-Lizaso, C. A. Sáez. (2020). Ecophysiological and cellular stress responses in the cosmopolitan brown macroalga Ectocarpus as biomonitoring tools for assessing desalination brine impacts. Desalination 489:114527 (WoS IF 7.1).
- Celis-Plá, P. S. M.*, F. Moenne*, F. Rodríguez-Rojas, D. Pardo, C. Lavergne, A. Moenne, M. T. Brown, P. Huovinen, I. Gómez, N. Navarro, C. A. Sáez. (2020). Antarctic intertidal macroalgae under predicted increased temperatures mediated by global climate change: Would they cope? Science of The Total Environment 740:140379 (WoS IF 6.6).
- Muñoz, P. T., F. Rodríguez-Rojas, P. Celis-Plá, L. Méndez, D. Pinto, D. Pardo, F. Moenne, J. L. Sánchez-Lizaso, C. A. Sáez. (2020). Physiological and metabolic responses to hypersalinity reveal interpopulation tolerance in the green macroalga Ulva compressa with different pollution histories. Aquatic Toxicology 225:105552 (WoS IF 4.3).
- Laporte D, Rodríguez F, González A, Zúñiga A, Castro-Nallar E, Sáez CA, Moenne A (2020) Copper-induced concomitant increases in photosynthesis, respiration, and C, N and S assimilation revealed by transcriptomic analyses in Ulva compressa (Chlorophyta). BMC Plant Biology 20:25 (WoS IF 3.7).
- Zúñiga A, Laporte D, González A, Gómez M, Sáez CA, Moenne A (2019) Isolation and Characterization of Copper- and Zinc- Binding Metallothioneins from the Marine Alga Ulva compressa (Chlorophyta). International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21:153 (WoS IF 4.2).
- Sola, I., J. L. Sánchez-Lizaso, P. T. Muñoz, E. García-Bartolomei, C. A. Sáez, D. Zarzo. (2019). Assessment of the Requirements within the Environmental Monitoring Plans Used to Evaluate the Environmental Impacts of Desalination Plants in Chile. Water 11:2085 (WoS IF 2.5).
- Rodríguez-Rojas*, F., Celis-Plá*, P. S. M., Méndez, L., Moenne, F., Muñoz, P. T., Lobos, M. G., Díaz, P., Sánchez-Lizaso, J. L., Brown, M. T., Moenne, A., & Sáez, C. A. (2019). MAPK Pathway under Chronic Copper Excess in Green Macroalgae (Chlorophyta): Involvement in the Regulation of Detoxification Mechanisms. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20, 4546 (WoS IF 4.2)
- Celis-Plá*, P. S. M., Rodríguez-Rojas*, F., Méndez, L., Moenne, F., Muñoz, P. T., Lobos, M. G., Díaz, P., Sánchez-Lizaso, J. L., Brown, M. T., Moenne, A., Sáez, C. A. (2019). MAPK Pathway under Chronic Copper Excess in Green Macroalgae (Chlorophyta): Influence on Metal Exclusion/Extrusion Mechanisms and Photosynthesis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20, 4547 (WoS IF 4.2)
- Navarrete, A., González, A., Gómez, M., Contreras, R. A., Díaz, P., Lobos, G., Brown, M. T., Sáez, C. A., Moenne, A. (2019). Copper excess detoxification is mediated by a coordinated and complementary induction of glutathione, phytochelatins and metallothioneins in the green seaweed Ulva compressa. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 135, 423-431 (WoS IF 3.4)
- Lobos, M. G., Saez, C.A., Chavarria, A., Sepulveda, M., Diaz, P., & Gaete, H. (2019). Distribution of Al, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn in Liver, Gills and Muscle of Early Life Stages of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 102, 419–424 (WoS IF 1.7)
- Greco, M., Sáez, C. A., Contreras, R. A., Rodríguez-Rojas, F., Bitonti, M. B., & Brown, M. T. (2019). Cadmium and/or copper excess induce interdependent metal accumulation, DNA methylation, induction of metal chelators and antioxidant defences in the seagrass Zostera marina. Chemosphere, 224, 111-119 (WoS IF 5.1)
- Saucedo, S., González, A., Gómez, M., Contreras, R. A., Laporte, D., Sáez, C. A., Zúñiga, G., & Moenne, A. (2019). Oligo-carrageenan kappa increases glucose, trehalose and TOR-P and subsequently stimulates the expression of genes involved in photosynthesis, and basal and secondary metabolisms in Eucalyptus globulus. BMC Plant Biology, 19, 258 (WoS IF 3.7)
- Contreras, R. A., Pizarro, M., Köhler, H., Sáez, C. A., & Zúñiga, G. E. (2018). Copper stress induces antioxidant responses and accumulation of sugars and phytochelatins in Antarctic Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. Biological Research, 51, 48 (WoS IF 2.5)
- Mckeown, D.A., Schroeder, J.L., Stevens, K., Peters, A.F., Sáez, C.A., Park, J., Rothman, M.D., Bolton, J.J., Brown, M.T., Schroeder, D.C. 2018 Phaeoviral infections are present in Macrocystis, Ecklonia and Undaria (Laminariales) and are influenced by wave exposure in Ectocarpales. Viruses 10: 410 (WoS – IF: 3,8).
- Celis-Plá, P. S. M., Brown M. T., Santillán-Sarmiento A., Korbee N., Sáez C. A., and F. L. Figueroa. (2018). Ecophysiological and metabolic responses to interactive exposure to nutrients and copper excess in the brown macroalga Cystoseira tamariscifolia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 128:214-222.
- Muñoz, P. T., Sáez C. A., Martínez-Callejas M. B., Flores-Molina M. R., Bastos E., Fonseca A., Gurgel C. F. D., Barufi J. B., Rörig L., Hall-Spencer J. M., and P. A. Horta. (2018). Short-term interactive effects of increased temperatures and acidification on the calcifying macroalgae Lithothamnion crispatum and Sonderophycus capensis. Aquatic Botany 148:46-52
- Mckeown, D.A., Schroeder, J.L., Stevens, K., Peters, A.F., Sáez, C.A., Park, J., Rothman, M.D., Bolton, J.J., Brown, M.T., Schroeder, D.C. (2018) Phaeoviral infections are present in Macrocystis, Ecklonia and Undaria (Laminariales) and are influenced by wave exposure in Ectocarpales. Viruses 10: 410
- González, A., Sáez, C.A., Moenne, A. Copper-induced activation of TRPs and VDCCs triggers a calcium signature response regulating gene expression in Ectocarpus siliculosus. PeerJ (2018) 6:e4556
- González, A., Sáez, C.A., Morales, B., Moenne, A. Copper-induced activation of TRP channels promotes extracellular calcium entry and activation of CaMK, PKA, PKC, PKG and CBLPK leading to increased expression of antioxidant enzymes in Ectocarpus siliculosus. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (2018) 126: 106-116
- Valdés, F., Lobos, M.G., Díaz, P., Sáez, C.A. Metal assessment and cellular accumulation dynamics in the green macroalga Ulva lactuca. Journal of Applied Phycology (2018) 30: 663-671
- Gómez M, González A, Moenne F, Sáez CA, Moenne A (2017) Copper-induced early responses involve the activation of Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels, release of amino acids, serotonin and adrenalin, and activation of homologs of glutamate, adrenalin and serotonin receptors in the marine alga Ulva compressa. Algal Research 26: 115-122.
- Valdés F, Díaz P, Lobos MG, Sáez CA (2017) Metal assessment and cellular accumulation dynamics in the green macroalga Ulva lactuca. Journal of Applied Phycology. In press. DOI: 10.1007/s10811-017-1244-x
- Sáez, C.A., Lobos, M.G., Macaya, E., Oliva, D., Quiroz, W., Brown, M.T.Variation in patterns of metal accumulation in thallus parts of Lessonia trabeculata (Laminariales; Phaeophyceae): implications for biomonitoring. PLoS ONE (2012) 7, e50170.
- Sáez, C.A., Pérez-Matus, A., Lobos, M.G., Oliva, D., Vásquez, J.A., Bravo, M. Environmental assessment in a shallow subtidal rocky habitat: Approach coupling chemical and ecological tools. Chemistry and Ecology (2012) 28, 1-15.
- Ortega, K. J., Sáez, C.A., Macaya, E.. Changes in invertebrate communities inhabiting Lessonia spicata (Phaeophyceae) holdfasts after the 2010 earthquake-mediated coastal uplift in Chile. Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia (2014) 49, 129-134.
- Greco, M., Sáez, C. A., Brown, M. T., Bitonti, M. B. A simple and effective method for high quality co-extraction of genomic DNA and total RNA from low biomass Ectocarpus siliculosus, the model brown alga. PLoS ONE (2014) 9, e96470.
- González, A., Moenne, F., Contreras, R. A., Gómez, M., Sáez, C.A., Moenne, A. Oligo-carrageenan kappa increases NADPH, ascorbate and glutathione syntheses and TRR/TRX activities enhancing photosynthesis, basal metabolism, and growth in Eucalyptus trees. Frontiers in Plant Science (2014) 5, 512.
- Sáez, C.A.*, Roncarati, F.*, Greco, M., Gledhill, M, Bitonti, B, Brown, M.T. Response differences between Ectocarpus siliculosus populations to copper stressinvolve cellular exclusion and induction of the phytochelatin biosynthetic pathway. Aquatic Toxicology (2015) 159, 167-175.
- Gómez, M., González, A., Sáez, C.A., Morales, B., Moenne, A. Copper-induced activation of TRP channels promotes extracellular calcium entry and activation of CaMs and CDPKs leading to copper entry and membrane depolarization in Ulva compressa. Frontiers in Plant Science (2015) 6, 182.
- Sáez, C.A.*, Roncarati, F.*,Moenne, A., Moody, A. J., Brown, M. T. Copper-induced intra-specific oxidative damage and antioxidant responses in strains of the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus with different pollution histories. Aquatic Toxicology (2015) 159, 81-89.
- Sáez, C.A., González, A., Contreras, R., Moody, J., Moenne, A., Brown, M.T. A novel field transplantation technique reveals intra-specific metal-induced oxidative responses in strains of Ectocarpus siliculosus with different pollution histories. Environmental Pollution (2015) 199, 130-138.
- Dewir, Y. H., El mahrouk, M. E., Hafez, I. M., Rihan, H. Z.,Sáez, C. A., Fuller, M. P. Antioxidative capacity and electrolyte leakage in healthy versus phytoplasma infected tissues ofEuphorbia coerulescens andOrbea gigantea. Journal of Plant Physiology & Pathology (2015) 3: 1
- Sáez, C.A.*, Ramesh, K.*, Greco, M., Bitonti, M. B., Brown, M. T. Enzymatic antioxidant defences are transcriptionally regulated in Es524, a copper-tolerant strain of Ectocarpus siliculosus (Ectocarpales; Phaeophyceae). Phycologia (2015) 54, 425-429.
- Moya, M. G., Vega-Román, E., Sáez, C. A., Mundaca, E. A. Extension of the distributional range of Lithobius obscurus Meinert (Lithobiidae, Lithobiomorpha) in organic and conventional apple orchards in Central Chile. Gayana (2015) 79, 217-219.
- Moenne, A., González, A., Sáez, C. A. Mechanisms of metal tolerance in marine macroalgae, with emphasis on copper tolerance in Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta. Aquatic Toxicology (2016) 176, 30-37.
- Gómez, M., González, A., Sáez, C.A., Moenne, A. Copper-induced membrane depolarizations involve the induction of mosaic TRP channels, which activate VDCC leading to calcium increases in Ulva compressa. Frontiers in Plant Science (2016) 7, 754
- Laporte, D., Valdés, N., González, A., Sáez, C.A., Zúñiga, A., Navarrete, A., Meneses, C., Moenne, A. Copper-induced overexpression of genes encoding antioxidant system enzymes and metallothioneins involve the activation of CaMs, CDPKs and MEK1/2 in the marine alga Ulva compressa. Aquatic Toxicology (2016) 177, 433-440.
* Co-first authorship
4.- Capitulo libros
- Sáez, C.A. Laboratory and field based studies provide insights of copper tolerance mechanisms in brown seaweeds and biotechnology tools for environmental diagnosis. (2017) In Ecotoxicology in Latin America. Ed. Matos-Araujo, C.V., Shinn, C., Nova Publishers, New York, pp. 57-72.
- Aguilera, M.A., Aburto, J.A., Bravo, L., Broitman, B.R., García, R.A., Gaymer, C.F., Gelcich, S., López, B.A., Montecino, V., Pauchard, A., Ramos, M., Rutland, J.A., Sáez, C.A., Valdivia, N., Thiel, M. Chile: Environmental Status and Future Perspectives. En World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation, Second Edition (2018). Ed. Charles Sheppard, Elsevier, London, pp. 673-702.
5.- Proyectos de investigación
- [2019-2020] “Biomonitoreo de salmueras para sustentabilidad ambiental de la desalación en la Región de Valparaíso”. DGI Regular CEA 01-1819. Rol: Investigador Principal. Co-investigadores: Dra. Gabriela Lobos (UV); Dra. Paula Celis Plá (LACER-UPLA); Dra. Fernada Rodríguez (LACER-UPLA).
- [2019-2020] “Photoprotective responses in Antarctica marine macroalgae due to climate change stress conditions”. INACH Regular Nro. RG_10-18. Rol: Co-investigador. Investigadora Principal: Dra. Paula Celis Plá (LACER-UPLA).
- [2019-2020] “Valoración biotecnologica de fotoprotectores y antioxidantes de algas pardas”. DGI Regular CEA 03-1819. Rol: Co-investigador. Investigadora Principal: Dra. Paula Celis Plá (LACER-UPLA).
-[2018-2021] "Brown algae physiological and metabolic responses to increased salinities provide insights of tolerance mechanisms and biomonitoring tools to evaluate the impact of brine discharges from desalination plants on coastal ecosystems". FONDECYT Postdoctorado 3180394. Rol: Investigador patrocinante.
-[2017-2020] “Biochemical and molecular responses disclose mechanisms of Antarctic macroalgae to thrive under Climate Change”. INACH Regular Nro. RT_09_16. Rol: Investigador Principal. Co-investigadores: Dra. Paula Celis Plá (LACER-UPLA); Dra. Alejandra Moenne (USACH); Dr. Francisco Cubillos (USACH); Iván Gómez (UACH); Pirjo Houvinen (UACH); Dr. Neslo Navarro (UMAG); Dr. Murray T. Brown (Plymouth University, Reino Unido).
-[2016-2019] “Transcriptome analyses reveal the basis of signal transduction involved in copper tolerance in the marine alga Ulva compressa (Chlorophyta) using Next Generation Sequencing Technologies”. FONDECYT Nro. 11160369. Rol: Investigador Principal.
- [2017] "Monitoreo ambiental del Rio Toltén, Chile, después del colapso de puente ferroviario de agosto del 2016". Proyecto de financiamiento público. Rol: Investigador Principal. Co-investigadores: Dra. Paula Celis Plá (LACER-UPLA); Dr. Julio Salcedo Castro (LACER-UPLA).
- [2016-2020] "Copper-induced expression of metallothioneins and synthesis of phytochelatins are involved in copper accumulation and tolerance in the marine macroalga Ulva compressa (Chlorophyta)". FONDECYT Regular Nro. 1160013. Rol: Co-Investigador; Investigador Principal Dra. Alejandra Moenne.
- [2017] "Estudio Diagnóstico de Sitios de Alto Valor para la Conservación, Fase II" Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Regional (FNDR) CÓDIGO BIP 30137941. Rol: Co-investigador; Investigador Principal Dr. Rodrigo Figueroa Sterguel (PUCV).
- [2016-2017] “Efectos ecológicos y sociales de la contaminación por microbasurales en quebradas de Playa Ancha”. Convenio Desempeño UPA 1301. Rol : Investigador Principal.
- [2012-2013] “Field transplantation experiments with Ectocarpus siliculosus in central Chile”. Santander Postgraduate Internationalisation Scholarship. Rol: Investigador Principal.
- [2011-2014] “Physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses to copper stress in different strains of the model brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus”. CONICYT Becas Chile Doctorado Nro. 72110557. Rol: Investigador Principal.